School District: A Tradition in Excellence
Serving the communities of Burbank, Foraker, Grainola, Kaw City, Shidler, and Webb City: Click here for map
Shidler Schools will be REMOTE LEARNING, Thursday, February 13th.
Regular School Board Meeting is also Cancelled, February 12th.
The arrow located at the bottom right of the district calendar to the left of this message will open a new window. From that window, click on the “subscribe” button and follow the instructions to sync the district’s event calendar with your android or apple device. You may subscribe to other calendars on our website, such as the “elementary calendar” by following these same instructions.
Fillable Enrollment Forms
This flyer below is provided by the Osage Couty Health Department as a way to help families more easily obtain their childrens’ immunization records. If you need additional assistance, please contact Ms. Ware.
Lura Ware, MSW | Community Health Worker
Osage County Health Department | District 3
Nursing Services | Oklahoma State Department of Health
o. 918-287-3740 | c. 918-637-7443 | f. 918-287-2380
PHONE POLICY – Updated for 2024-2025 (open policy here)
During the school day, Shidler Public Schools will be phone and other personal electronic communication and listening device free for the 2024-2025 school year. This policy change was made to eliminate distractions that interfere with learning and to give our students and teachers a more optimal learning environment.
We are in no way trying to eliminate or restrict technology in the classrooms. In fact, our district encourages students and teachers to utilize the many i-Pads, Chromebooks, and personal computers that are available to them to make learning meaningful, modern, and relevant.
​Students may still continue to bring their personal electronic devices to school every day for use before and after school. Students’ personal devices will always remain in the custody of the students unless the policy is violated. The difference this year will be that phones will be turned off and locked in a secure pouch from the start of the school day to the end of the school day.
If you need to reach your child, please contact the office. Your child may use office phone or office personnel can temporarily unlock the student’s Yondr Pouch long enough for them to complete a call on their cell.
2024-2025 School Meals
No student will be charged for breakfasts or lunches during the 2024-25 school year. Students will still have the opportinuity to purchase a la carte items; however, no student will be charged for a regular school lunch or breakfast. THANK YOU to our wind farm partner, Enel Green Energy, for paying the entire expense of non-reimbursed meal cost to ensure that EVERY STUDENT EATS FOR FREE!
Letter to Parents from Superintendent
Student Breakfast | Student Lunch | Adult Breakfast | Adult Lunch |
Free = $0.00 | Free = $0.00 | Full Price = $2.50 | Full Price = $5.00 |
Download the wengage by SylogistEd App! Access to the Guardian Portal, Student Records Portal, Student Portal, and Employee Portal is available through one app download from the Google Play or Apple Store. Access to the portals via the app provides all the same features and functionality that you are used to when accessing the portals from a web browser, including support for Sign in with Microsoft and Sign in with Google.
HS Boys Roster HS Girls Roster
Head HS & JH Boys Coach: Wyatt Asher
Head HS Girls Coach: Jessica Asher
Head JH Girls Coach: Shelby Shatswell
There are no current job openings, but please feel free to submit an application at any time for future consideration. Thank you.
Please complete the Employment Application (see link below), and submit it along with a resume (if available) by one of the following methods. Certified positions should also include a current teaching certificate. All employees must pass a background check.
~ Email to:
~ Mail to: 213 South W. G. Ward; Shidler, OK 74652
~ Fax to: 918-793-2061
ANNOUNCINGTelehealth Option for Shidler Students and Staff Is Here
Shidler Schools has entered into an agreement with Pawhuska Family Medical Clinic which allows students and school employees to see a doctor and/or nurse while at school using Telehealth Technology. This technology permits doctors in Pawhuska to conduct many routine screenings and diagnoses on students without students having to miss school or wait days to get a doctor’s appointment. Telehealth patients are assured of the same rights of medical privacy during telehealth visits as would be afforded them during in-person doctors’ visits. The program is optional and parents must give permission for their children to be seen by a doctor. Obvious potential benefits are that students can be evaluated by medical professionals without having to miss school or parents miss work to take their children to a doctor. The School encourages all parents to consider signing their children up for this option. To learn more or to sign up, please access the brochure below.